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  • The Tale of BTC’s Pizza and Why $GARY Is Your Golden Ticket 🏆

The Tale of BTC’s Pizza and Why $GARY Is Your Golden Ticket 🏆

gm fam,

Remember the story of the Bitcoin pizza? Yeah, the one where a guy paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. Fast forward a few years, and that 10,000 BTC would be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The lesson here? BTC was just a shiny new thing back then, and people couldn’t see the monumental value it would hold in the future. They sold too early, faded BTC, and missed out on life-changing opportunities.

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane:

2010: BTC was worth just $0.08. A few bucks could get you thousands of BTC.

2011: BTC hit $1 for the first time. Some people sold, thinking they struck gold.

2013: BTC reached $100, and suddenly, those early holders started to believe.

2017: BTC crossed $1,000, then shot up to nearly $20,000 by the end of the year. It was a wild ride, and those who held on were grinning ear to ear.

2021: BTC broke $60,000, making millionaires out of those who believed in it from the start.

Today: BTC continues to hold strong around $60,000, but with a total supply of 21 million and only 1.26 million left to be mined, its scarcity is undeniable.

The takeaway? BTC was once something people traded for pizza. Now, it’s a symbol of wealth and foresight. Those who held onto BTC instead of spending it on trivial things are now reaping the rewards.

Now, here’s the part you need to pay attention to: $GARY is almost $0.08 today.

That’s the exact price BTC was at back in 2010. You see the pattern here? $GARY, like BTC back then, is sitting at a price point that could be the beginning of something massive. BTC's journey from $0.08 to over $60,000 didn’t happen overnight, but those who saw the potential early on are now living the dream.

We’ve got 25 million $GARY in total, and as our community grows, that number feels smaller and smaller. Remember, the value isn’t just in what you have today, but in what it’s going to be worth tomorrow.

The early days of BTC were filled with people who couldn’t see the forest for the trees. They didn’t understand the power of holding onto something scarce, something with potential. And while BTC’s block reward has dropped from 50 BTC to just 6.25 BTC, its value has only skyrocketed. People who held onto BTC and didn’t let go? They’re the ones reaping the rewards now.

$GARY is on a similar path. We’re just getting started, but the smart ones, the ones who understand scarcity, are already securing their bags. They know that as more people come into this space, that 25 million supply is going to feel a lot smaller. They’re not going to be the ones who look back in regret, wishing they hadn’t sold early or spent their $GARY on something trivial.

The opportunity is right here, right now. Don’t be the one who missed out on BTC’s early days and don’t let history repeat itself with $GARY.

Get your $GARY, hold it tight, and watch what happens as we continue to grow. This is just the beginning, and you’re part of something that’s only going to get bigger.

Let’s make sure when we look back on this moment, we’re celebrating our foresight, not kicking ourselves for missing out.



PS: The clock is ticking, and $GARY isn’t waiting for anyone. Make sure you’re holding yours before the next big wave hits. This is your chance to be in the right place at the right time—don’t let it slip through your fingers.