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  • Smash the Wall, Secure the Gains: Let’s Send 🦒 to the Moon!

Smash the Wall, Secure the Gains: Let’s Send 🦒 to the Moon!

gm fam,

Today, I want to talk about something that’s right in front of us—a sell wall that’s standing between us and the next level for Giraffe Tower. If you’ve checked out the listings on Tensor, you’ve probably noticed the wall starting at 1.09 SOL. It’s small, but it’s there, and it’s holding us back. But guess what? We have the power to break it down.

The Wall at 1.09 SOL

Here’s the situation:

• At 1.09 SOL, we’ve got 6 Giraffe Tower NFTs listed. This is where the wall starts.

• At 1.10 SOL, there’s a bit more resistance with 4 NFTs listed. But it’s not just these two levels—we’ve got about 50 NFTs spread out between 1.09 SOL and 2.50 SOL.

This wall might look tough, but it’s nothing we can’t handle as a community. The key is to chip away at it together, step by step.

Why We Need to Break It Down

When potential buyers see a wall like this, they often hesitate. They wonder if the price will drop or if there’s too much supply to work through. But here’s the thing: this wall is our opportunity. Every NFT we buy at these levels is one less barrier between us and a higher floor price.

How We Can Do It Together

Here’s how we can tackle this:

1. Let’s Start Buying: If you’re thinking about adding to your collection, now’s the time. Focus on those NFTs at 1.09 and 1.10 SOL. Every purchase helps weaken the wall and builds momentum for higher prices.

2. Hold Tight: If you’re considering listing your Giraffe Tower NFT, think about holding off for now or listing at a higher price. By reducing the immediate supply, we make it easier for the price to rise as buyers move in.

3. Community Power: We’re not just individuals—we’re a community. By working together, we can break down this wall faster than you think. Every action counts, whether it’s buying, holding, or even just spreading the word.

The Path Forward

This wall isn’t just an obstacle; it’s our chance to shine. As we start to break through, we’ll open the door to higher prices and greater value for everyone involved. It’s about making a move today that pays off tomorrow.

Let’s come together and take down this wall. The future of Giraffe Tower is in our hands, and I know we can push through to new heights.



PS: The wall starts at 1.09 SOL with just 6 NFTs. Let’s start chipping away at it today and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Every purchase counts—let’s make it happen!