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  • Drain the Pools, Pump the Price: Let’s Take $GARY to the Next Level!

Drain the Pools, Pump the Price: Let’s Take $GARY to the Next Level!

gm fam,

Alright, here’s the deal—we’re on the brink of something big with $GARY, and I want to make sure we’re all ready to cash in. The less $GARY on the market, the higher the price goes. Right now, we’ve got less than 600k $GARY out there, and with 500k $GARY trading every month, we’re heading for some wild price action.

What’s Happening

Here’s the situation:

- We’ve got less than 600,000 $GARY available on the market.

- Monthly trading volume is hitting over 500,000 $GARY.

At this pace, in 10 months there could be zero $GARY left on the market. When that happens, every buy sends the price skyrocketing because the supply gets tighter and tighter.

What We Need to Do

Here’s how we make sure we all win:

1. Market Buy $GARY: Don’t just sit on the sidelines. Every time you buy $GARY from the market, you’re draining the liquidity pools. The less $GARY in those pools, the more explosive the price action becomes.

2. Drain the Pools: When you market buy $GARY, you’re not just adding to your bag—you’re squeezing the supply. This makes every $GARY left in the pool more valuable, pushing the price higher with each buy.

3. Ride the Wave: The thinner the liquidity, the bigger the swings. By draining the pools, we’re setting up for a massive price surge. The more we buy now, the more we all benefit as the price goes up.

The Big Opportunity

We’re sitting on a powder keg here. With so little $GARY left on the market and trading volumes this high, we’re on track for a supply squeeze like no other. But we’ve got to act together. Market buy $GARY, drain those pools, and let’s push the price to new heights.

This is how we all win—by making sure $GARY is as scarce as possible. The fewer $GARY there is, the bigger the gains for everyone. Let’s make it happen!



PS: We’re 10 months away from having zero $GARY on the market. Start market buying now and let’s watch the price rocket together! 🚀